Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'm Back!

Okay, it's been awhile.  Life got in the way.  BUT...I'm back now and ready to talk NURSING!  My favorite subject.

It's been so long that I even have a new pair of work shoes!

This is a photo from the Dansko site, not may actual shoes (which are already starting to wear a bit and I'm disappointed) - but aren't they great?  I get a lot of compliments on them.

Shoes are big topic of conversation amongst nurses, have you noticed?  We all have our opinions on what's best but my favorite is a friend at work who has two pairs of work shoes, a pair of Birkenstocks and a pair of Danskos and which pair she wears totally depends on which feels right when she gets ready in the morning.  Apparently, some days are just made for Birkenstocks and some are just made for Danskos. She should be working for those companies!

Welcome back to spotsonnursing...I hope to see you soon!

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